11th Central and East Europe Program The Akebono Scholarship will hold an program for those who are motivated … 続きを読む 11th Program
アーカイブ: Program
10th Program
10th Central and East Europe Program The Akebono Scholarship will hold an program for those who are motivated … 続きを読む 10th Program
9th Program
9th Central and East Europe Program The Akebono Scholarship will hold an program for those who are motivated t… 続きを読む 9th Program
8th Program
8th Central and East Europe Program The Akebono Scholarship will hold an program for those who are motivated t… 続きを読む 8th Program
7th Program
7th Central and East Europe Program The Akebono Scholarship will hold an program for those who are motivated t… 続きを読む 7th Program
6th Program
6th Central and East Europe Program The Akebono Scholarship will hold an program for those who are motivated t… 続きを読む 6th Program
2nd Central and East Program English selection The Akebono Scholarship will hold an English program for those … 続きを読む 第二回英語選考
第五回 中東欧プログラム 募集要項
第五回 中東欧プログラム 募集要項 本奨学金は日本語の選考を兼ねておりますため、英語でのご案内は差し控えさせていただきます。 We are going to hold back to provide informatio… 続きを読む 第五回 中東欧プログラム 募集要項
1st Central and East Program English selection こちらは英語選考になるため、日本語での案内を控えさせていただきます。 The Akebono Scholarship will… 続きを読む 第一回英語選考
第四回 中東欧プログラム 募集要項
第四回 中東欧プログラム 募集要項 本奨学金は日本語の選考を兼ねておりますため、英語でのご案内は差し控えさせていただきます。 We are going to hold back to provide informatio… 続きを読む 第四回 中東欧プログラム 募集要項